Giang ĐH

Welcome to the hell.


- Pronouns: She/He/They (anything is okay)- Gender: Agender- Sexuality: Asexual Homoromantic- Nation: Vietnam (Haiphong)- Timezone: GMT+7/UTC+7/ICT- Hobbies: Drawing, making UTAU stuffs- Fav dish(es): Haiphong crab skin ball, spicy foods
- Self-taught artist

Social medias

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Before talking to me:

- I have severe OCD- I am addicted to red and blue UTAUs and simp on UTAUs that's looks like Shizuruu- I have never been confident on my art- I am a weird person af- I can hurts you or makes you smiles- I am jealous of overrated people

DNI if you are

+ "Cow tongue line" supporter
+ Homophobes
+ Sexjoking, sexualing things+ Anyone who messes with me or my friends+ Anyone hates me or my friends+ And a bunch of thing...

More info

+ I will draw anything that I like, including study art, fanart, scenery and even gore, if you have any uncomfortable, you can unfollow me.+ I do draw R-16 (will be blured on Twitter)+ I don't open art request.+ I'm hemophobic (I'm trying to overcome it)+ I have amnesia.+ I am a fncking annoying person who will bug you on Discord everytime.+ I am only living on Twitter, Discord and Facebook, I'm dead on other social medias.+ I post shitposting a lot but I'll delete them later.+ I don't watch any anime (only Doraemon) and play Homescapes atm+ I'm not very good at English and will misunderstand you sometimes.+ Feel free to tell me if I do something wrong! I won't be upset or something

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